Will world economies collapse?

Worldwide, the news has been fairly depressing as far as economies go. Europe's woes as typified by the Greek economy. America's debt limit which hits the news from time to time. Austerity measures provoking protests and riots. The question is whether any of these economies will collapse suddenly and lead to a chaotic breakdown of society.

The problem it seems, is that austerity leads to depressed economic activity, which leads to less tax collection (confiscation of wealth) and therefore less ability to service existing debt. This means that the government can't afford to borrow more credit and that leads to more austerity completing a vicious cycle.

The obvious answer would be to allow the debtors to declare bankruptcy and default. And this is what doomsayers expect to happen. But will it ever happen?

I think the key to understanding this is to look at the biological phenomenon of parasitism. A parasite is most successful when it has a maximum claim on the hosts provisions (blood or other resource) without causing the death of the host as that would lead to its own demise.

So the question is, will the creditors - which amounts to a certain class of monied elites - allow these economies to default and escape from their clutches? Consider firstly that the principal that is lent to these countries is actually illusory. The money is created out of nothing by a mechanism that boils down to printing money against the issuing of a bond. The creation of this illusory money is the greatest racket or scam on earth, if only the people really knew. The ones who are privileged to do this and benefit from it, have necessarily lent increasing amounts to these countries a. because without the extra money entering the economy the burden of paying the interest on their loans becomes impossible and b. the more they lend the bigger the payoff in interest that accrues to them.

Whereas the money printed and lent is zero effort, usurious, dishonest money; the interest it collects, in this case the tax collections of those economies, are the real blood, sweat and labour of the citizens of that economy. They are effectively turned into slaves by their governments who act in consort with the money creating power.

So the huge mathematically impossible, unpayable debts are actually not what they first appear. The money power doesn't ever care about getting the "principal" repaid as that would diminish its income source; the usurious interest it collects. The real goal of the money power is to continue its parasitism at the maximum tolerable amount.

All we are seeing now is the reaching of those maximum tolerable amounts of parasitism by the money power. And that is why we won't see collapsing economies. The "principal" of these loans is actually illusory. It is 'money' that has been created through theft anyhow - the "inflation" - that is much talked about is the systematic theft of wealth from all those who hold the currency in question. And this is used to extort further real wealth from the people.

The game plan of the money power is therefore revealed when looked at through the lens of parasitism. To keep the economies on life support with maximal (in their vocabulary this might be termed 'optimal') amounts of debt through which they can continue to survive.