The Everything Bailout

As a follow on from the trillions post earlier today... listening to the radio... all the polititians are talking effectively what amounts to bailout after bailout of industry after industry.

How far does this have to go?

While all the blame is being put on the "unprecedented" (easily the most clichéd word over the past few weeks) lockdowns - the truth is that the financial health of the world has been in continuous jeopardy since the bailouts started back in 2008.

This is not a new problem - it's simply the dénouement of the events that are now termed the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). The Crisis never ended. It was a debt problem - it still is a debt problem.

In fact there was no solution at all in the first place. The crisis was actually turned into a much bigger crisis - that the world is facing once more and until the true solution is accepted there will be continued events of caps in hand.... "please sir, can I have some more?"

What the world needs is a restoration of sanity.

Sanity in the form of what is truly required. Bankruptcy, job losses, liquidation.

If it is not sustainable - then just accept that it is not acceptable to continue pushing it forward with illusory money that doesn't exist. The trillions are fantasy. No one has done trillions of work and the work will never happen and the debt will never be made good. Ever. Mathematically impossible.

Morally reprehensible.

And those who are begging for bailouts are in my view not just financially bankrupt - but showing that as societies and civilisations - we are morally bankrupt because no one accepts the medicine.

These debts that are unpayable must be written off. Companies, infrastructure, and the means of production must be freed from the tyranny of the banking and ruling classes by declaring once and for all that the system is BANKRUPT.


Is the world brave enough to free the slaves?

Are the slaves brave enough to demand that these unsustainable corporations that have raped the world and left it bankrupt should be erased and new ideas, new managements and real work, effort and money should return to rebuild the world in the sustainable way that morally intact people demand?