No more FreeBSD

Today I finally shutdown my FreeBSD VM that had been acting as my backup DNS, and proxy machine. It ran for almost two years and was updated from 9.0 through to 10.0. At one point I was running 5 different flavours of Unix and it was beginning to really get a bit out of hand remembering where config files and the relevant commands between all the systems.

Now I am down to two. With my recent openSuSE experiences on Hyper-V I was able to set up a new Tumbleweed generation 2 Hyper-V VM and get it working with Unbound and my other proxy software in a few hours.

FreeBSD, as good as it can be just doesn't have a place for me anymore. Opensuse is just so comprehensively excellent and easy to manage I won't ever need to change ever again I think. In time I'll set up a new media server based on it rather than ArchLinux which I'm currently using for that machine. That will have me only ever remembering one set of commands etc. Age does bring with it some desire for simplification. Long gone are my days of Solaris with source code compiles of critical software and all the dependencies. Obsolescence happens way too quickly and I don't have the time to do that anymore. Opensuse with its precompiled packages and excellent package manager make that a thing of the past well and truly.

I also stopped using Squid. A thing really going back to days when bandwidth was more limited. It's interference with modern websites and the move towards https etc made it increasingly difficult to manage and justify so bye bye Squid.

Bye bye FreeBSD. It was interesting but I'm glad to see the back of you :)