What's been happening?

I guess the initial enthusiasm of every blog on the web diminishes to one degree or another after the first month or two. After the concerts in May I visited Sydney for a weekend meeting and ended up coming home with a co-axial model helicopter which I honestly had no idea whether I would enjoy.

As it turns out it started a hobby that has probably consumed more time and money in a shorter space of time than any other before. My overall spending on technology and computers is far more, and photography would also be right up there but this helicopter thing is a real bona fide money pit that the others cannot match because it involves destruction!

Imagine spending $3000 on a helicopter and crashing it a few times resulting in a repair bill of a few hundred dollars each time? What's worse is that when you get into the bleeding edge of the hobby you end up buying truly little tested, rushed to market gadgets that increase your chances of destroying your model!

If you'd asked me some time ago whether this would have been a likely hobby for me I would honestly have thought it madness. But it has satisfaction and achievement that make up for the expense and pain of crashing your models. It's a very addictive thing for the right person as it challenges one's skills in building, flying, tuning, diagnosing and improving one's models.

So that is what has been happening in my life.

The Solaris server just keeps serving without complaints. It sends me an email every day to tell me it is happy but I haven't had to do much for a while. I'll try to write some more as I can.