Trillions from thin air.

If there has been something that has struck me as being odd over the last month - and there are plenty of things with that potential lately - it is the casualness with which money seems to be coming out of nowhere.

In the economics that I knew there was a concept of saving. Putting aside money which could be used when times were lean.


Because ultimately money should be a thing which is a representation for the real effort and toil that a person has expended - that they can either spend or save on things they require or want.

Real effort. Real work. Real money that represents this principle.

That's what the economics of the past was about - real things.

The travesty is that while real things cost real work to the average person - there is a type of person for which there is no such thing as real work or effort.

They are allowed to spend money that has been created out of mirages and fantasies - but used to buy real things and lavish lifestyles.

They are bankers and the entire financial class which has turned the world into the hell it has become. Without doing a single day of real work these despicable creatures play with the world and with the lives of people who do real work in the real world.

So if as it seems it can be done - 2 or more TRILLION dollars can be conjured into existence by a mere decree then why as many people are asking around the world...



Why are the elite and banking classes allowed to just create money from nothing and spend it to buy REAL GOODS AND SERVICES and the real worker have to spend their real time and energy on scraping together a basic existence?

When people realise that... and realise that the illusory money is free to these despicable beings - that's when things might begin to change.