The Solaris 11 home server project.

After a break of almost 10 years I've finally decided to re-enter the world of  life journalling.

The blog is an offshoot of a bigger project to migrate all my important home server needs over to Solaris 11 which I'll be concentrating on in future posts.

The aim is to document the future developments I make to the server as a way of future reference for myself, but also as a resource for others doing similar things.

I'll just say that I have been continually impressed by what Solaris 11 is able to provide me, despite the learning curve being somewhat steep.

Currently the Solaris server is providing me all of the following services:

  • NAS/File serving in AFP, SMB/CIFS, and NFS; with ZFS technology.
  • Mail server using a Postfix, Dovecot, and Roundcube backend.
  • Spam control using amavis, SpamAssassin, Sieve and Razor2.
  • Web caching/proxy and ad-blocking using Squid, Privoxy, and Tor.
  • Downloading services via Transmission, SABnzbd and Sickbeard.
  • Web site with Wordpress backend.
  • rsync services for remote backup of files.
  • Mysql server.
  • DNS server for the home network.
My plans are to integrate much of this with OpenLDAP and Kerberos in the future but the versatility of being able to set up your home network as you wish is liberating.